I'm not sure I could ever put into words, how incredible it was, to have a similar experience to one you've had in the past...but know that today, I'm an entirely different person.
I was asked by a local photographer to do some fitness photos. TOTALLY honored to! As I left the photography studio the other day, my fellow coach and dear friend Rachel text me to say, the pictures are amazing- didn't you try modeling years ago and have a bad experience? 
It reminded me of the girl I was then. 10 years ago. The girl who was told, I had too many scars. The girl who was told had a pretty face but I wouldn't make it. Why? To sum it up, I wasn't fit for their idea of "perfection."
Then, it crushed me. Bruised my ego. Made me even more self conscious of my scars, flaws, imperfections. Made me feel like I wasn't good enough, just as I was.
My biggest mistake? I always let others opinions of me, skew my view of my WORTH. I let my feelings get twisted where they didn't belong.
Today...I'm different. I may have taken years after that experience, and a whole slew of other unworthy people and situations to help me realize, bringing me to rock bottom 3 years ago where I had no worth or self esteem at all. For that sorrow, is what allows me to feel true JOY now.
It may have taken me learning-- I needed to work on my heart, my soul, my mindset above all else. To work on the INSIDE. It may have taken me becoming a single mom & realizing so deeply- I was the ONLY role model. It may have taken me finding a passion for fitness, because it makes me feel strong, healthy, happy, energetic. It may have taken me learning to nourish my body, instead of using what I put in my mouth as self sabotaging coping mechanisms for feelings. It may have taken me finding a huge community of women who encourage self love and authenticity, as I have with Beachbody, as I coach women every day to do the same.
And today, I still have lots of scars. Flaws. Imperfections. I still have a lot of work to do. I will never be perfect, and I sure as hell don't want to be.
That day, I felt EMPOWERED.
A woman who knows who she is, stands up for herself and what she believes in.
A woman, who believes every single woman deserves to be and feel, her OWN kind of beautiful. Her OWN kind of comfortable in her skin. On her OWN terms. In her OWN way.💕
And for that reason, I'll keep sharing my story. I know my purpose here. I know it deeper today, than I ever have before. To EMPOWERED women to LOVE themselves. Embrace themselves. Nourish themselves, inside and out.
THAT feels amazing, and...my smile, says it all.