Taking top 10 In Beachbody Classic

I had NO idea that one of my coaches got this on video & as I sat and watched it last night...HOLY emotion. So I figured I'd share a picture and a bit of the story behind it!☺️
Two and a half years ago, I started this journey--- broken, anxiety ridden, depressed, unhappy in my own skin and a large amount of the 60 lbs of baby weight I had gained to lose, unhealthy, cripple with chronic pain, insecure, lacking confidence, overcoming the grips of verbal abuse, and so sick and tired of being sick and tired.
That was a HUGE part of why I decided to coach. I knew, if I could help myself, I could empower and inspire other women to do the same! I have built my career, around that. EMPOWERMENT.
I NEVER would have thought I'd have the courage to do something like this-- and that is a big part of WHY I did it. To show women-- with time, consistency, personal growth, dedication and a commitment to self love, one small goal at a time, focusing on progress NOT perfection--- you can do ANYTHING you freakin' want to.


CONSITENCY and MINDSET is EVERYTHING. Without MINDSET, I never could have trained the way I did for this, because it was harder and more focused than anything I have EVER done. (I used our program-- Hammer and Chisel, but upped my weights by double of what I normally use & I followed the 21 Day Fix Extreme Countdown to Competition meal plan tailored to MY needs.) The start is what often stops people...but it doesn't HAVE to. Success on your own terms, is a decision.❤️
When you strip away the fancy suit, high heels, shredded abs and the #311 I wore as I was called into the top 10...it was all about proving to myself I could chase a GOAL that scared the SH*T out of me. A goal that pushed me SO SO SO far outside my comfort zone in SO many ways.
And it makes me laugh that so many people think its all about vanity--- because to me, it was all about pretty much everything except that. If you're going to work that hard-- I can guarantee, it's not in pursuit of how others perceive you! Its for YOU.
It was about finding the inner strength. Will. Determination. Guts. Dedication. LASER focused intentional choices everyday. Courage to face fears. It was about grabbing vunerability by the balls. It was about proving to myself after so much physical injury and internal battles, human WILL TOPS all ELSE and makes NO obstacle too large to overcome.
I've learned lessons about myself and life in general, that mean SO much more.
It was about digging deep to find a place inside where I felt WORTHY of taking pride in what I did, to accomplish this. All the hard work behind the scenes that NO one can see when you step on a stage as a the "end result" of a goal.
And to be honest-- I had a few moments in the days leading up where I was unsure. Wondered what the hell I'd gotten myself into (some of that was the insane fatigue talking). But, I did it with integrity and heart and purpose-- and a desire to inspire other women to chase HUGE goals for themselves--whatever they may be.
It wasn't about winning to me. It was about stepping into the ring of the unknown, getting my hands dirty, showing up and being SEEN. I for SURE had no experience with stepping on a stage like that, or all it entailed but I DID IT ANYWAYS. And pretty sure I blacked out and almost fell over when it was my turn to take the spotlight. HAHAHA!!
Listen--- I am NOT perfect. I still have insecurities. I still have FEARS. But I know my worth. I don't let them HOLD ME back anymore! THAT, is huge! We all have things that are holding us back-- but they don't HAVE to! Work on that mindset and DO IT ANYWAYS! ;)
I believe in myself...and that is a powerful and LIBERATING feeling. I still have a lot of growing to do and goals to chase--- but I learned so much about myself in this process including that-- if you always wait until you feel READY--- you'll never get anything done in this world. No matter how strong you are or how far you've come-- you ALWAYS have an opportunity to STEP UP and do and BE more.
I know the beauty & the finding of your best self, is in the JOURNEY-- NOT in an end result.

Set HUGE goals, RISE to the challenge, & GROW into someone who can accomplish them. THAT is when you EVOLVE.✨✨

You ready to RISE and find the best you? Im personally mentoring 10 women to find their happiest, healthiest, most EMPOWERED selves this month. If you want to step up to the challenge, let's do it together! XO ----> https://thehealthyempoweredmama.wufoo.com/forms/join-danas-health-fitness-bootcamp-community/