Apple Spice Crockpot Breakfast Casserole 

Fall is in full swing & I've gone off the deep end with cooking in my crockpot...every single day! HAHA! I can't complain, everything so far has turned out AMAZING! But, I had never made a breakfast casserole in the crockpot before and I was a bit skeptic of how it would turn out. All the recipes I saw for breakfast casseroles called for heavy cream and butter, but I wanted to make it without so it was a bit healthier! I simply switched up some ingredients and figured I'd see how it went! Let me tell ya! Im a believer in crockpot breakfasts now, and I cant wait to try out different flavor combos! It was SOOOOO good! And your house smells amazing when you wake up to this cooking!
What you'll need:
-7 cups of bread, chopped into large cubes (I used whole wheat seeded bread)
-3 apples, washed and sliced
-1 1/2 cups of milk (I used Almond)
-6 eggs & 2 egg whites
-pinch of salt
-1/2 cup of honey
- 2 teaspoons of apple pie spice (pumpkin pie spice or just plain cinnamon would work too!)
How to make it:
-Spray your crockpot with non stick spray
-Lay your cubed bread evenly across the bottom of the crockpot, and then lay the apple slices on top.
-In a large bowl, mix your eggs, milk, honey, salt & apple pie spice. Whisk WELL. Pour mixture over the bread and apples evenly. Push down on it with a wooden spoon to ensure its all "coated". Put on the lid and cook on LOW for 8 hours! It tastes like you slaved in the kitchen over this one, but, it is so simple! I won't tell if you don't! ;)
I put it on at 11pm, and when I checked it at 7am it was done! :)

Before serving, top with chopped walnuts or slivered almonds! Enjoy! :)