Ask and you shall receive. I get asked OFTEN, my top tips for HOW to food prep, so here you go!🙌🏻
Here is my top 10 prep tips-- Keep in mind I'm trying to make this make sense if you are new to this! 😊
#1- Embrace the learning curve and get excited about change and how it'll positively impact you and your family, save time, save money, and help you stay on track with your goals! Mindset is key! If you go into it thinking it's hard, it WILL be hard! If you go into it excited to learn, you'll have fun and truly benefit from it! This is a lifestyle CHANGE, not a diet, fad or quick fix.
#2- Share with your family/friends what you are doing. Write down a WHY of why this change is important to you! It's nice to have support, and the added accountability of sharing your goals to make healthier changes--- and they can either join in OR be there to remind you why you're doing it, when you need it!
#3- Get ready. Dump the junk in your house. If its not there, you are a LOT less likely to have it! Remind yourself when you eat healthy food, you will crave healthy food. You just have to stay consistent. *If you have healthy food on hand, you will make healthier choices!* Simple as that. 
#4- Pre- prep. Clean out the fridge and freezer. Organize the pantry and see what you already have on ad that you can use in your meal prep. This will not only save you time when youre in the swing of the week, but money, as you won't repurchase items you might already have on hand! 
#4- Keep it SIMPLE. If you are just starting, the last thing you want to do is overwhelm yourself with a million new fancy recipes. For example-- breakfast--- 2 eggs, a serving of fruit, and toast with peanut butter. 
#5- Choose meals that overlap ingredients-- this will shorten your grocery list, save you money and prep time! Three examples-- chopped fruit-- I can with for breakfast, on yogurt for a snack, or on a salad! Chopped veggies-- can go into a breakfast egg scrambled, on a salad, in a wrap, be roasted for a dinner side dish, or eaten with hummus as a snack. I also always have pre- cooked quinoa on hand-- I can make quinoa bowls for lunch, a dinner side dish, or use to make a meal like stuffed peppers or "stir fried" quinoa, with less cook time. 
#6- Make a PLAN. Determine what meals you want to have for the week- breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Make your grocery list, right from your plan! When you shop--- stick to it and don't throw extras in your cart! 
#7- Be flexible, be smart--- you can save a lot of money if you buy produce that is on sale or in season, or certain items you use often, in bulk. I for example-- buy boneless skinless chicken or salmon in bulk, when I get home, I seperate into portions and freeze what Im not using that week. (which brings me back to #4 when I'm planning for the next week!)
#8- Meal prep the way that works for YOU. Pick ONE day a week that you will shop and PREP. (Less trips to the store also means less temptation and wasted $). Depending if you are at home or on the go, you will prep differently. If you are out of the house often-- I do suggest, planning and portioning out your meals and snacks ahead, so you can just grab them and GO! 
#9- I personally, like to do "buffet style" meal prep. I don't make MEALS ahead of time per se, but I have all basics of most food groups, to use during the week ready to go. This leaves a lot of room for variety and makes making meals, super quick! So this week I have-- chopped pineapple and strawberries, washed and cut brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes, oatmeal pancakes, chicken and turkey sausage, shredded crockpot chicken, ground chicken (for stuffed peppers and tacos), chopped peppers, salmon, boiled eggs, whole wheat pasta, quinoa. 
Some of meals I plan on/can make with these items this week---> 
-Salmon, sweet potato fries, roasted brussel sprouts
-Whole wheat tacos with lettuce, tomato, pepper, avocado, ground chicken, salsa
-Quinoa and chicken stuffed peppers
-Whole wheat pasta with ground chicken, marinara sauce and spinach/peppers
-Greek quinoa bowl-- quinoa, chicken, feta, tomatoes, peppers, olives 
-summer salad- spinach, strawberries, apple, chicken, goat cheese 
-"quinoa fried" rices with onion, peppers, pineapple, egg, soy sauce served with choice of protein 

Plan ahead for your family too! Every week, I make things ahead I know my son will eat often too-- chicken sausage and fruit for breakfast, whole wheat pasta that I can toss with protein and sauce for a quick lunch or dinner. The more we offer little's good food, the better their habits will be and the easier it'll be for them as adults. Healthy habits start young! 
#10- Look for SHORTCUTS. You can easily buy pre-cooked rice, pre washed and chopped veggies, pre-cut fruit. You could buy rotisserie chicken, remove skin, pull apart and store. Cook or prep items you use a LOT in bulk-- I do this with boiled eggs, as I eat them everyday! 
And just for a bonus-- MIX THINGS UP. Search for healthier versions of old family favorite (or ask me!). No one wants to eat the same thing day in and day out. As you get more comfortable with healthy eating and meal prep, get more creative! There is SO MANY amazing options, possibilities are endless! 
Hope this helps!