The journey of single motherhood...

The journey of single motherhood...
The journey of self love and acceptance...
The journey of authenticity, self awareness, internal growth...
The journey of overcoming fear, anger, anxiety...
The journey of strengthening faith + belief that the universe has my back...
The journey of overcoming extreme injury...
The journey of overcoming mental illness...
The journey of fitness...
The journey of building a business from the ground up...
The journey of leadership...

What do they all have in common? CONSISTENCY has been + still is KEY.🙌🏻

Key to moving forward, to finding my potential, key to believing in myself, to building my confidence, to breeding results...instead of overanlzying to paralyze, stressing the unknowns, fearing failure OR allowing the distance of how FAR I felt I had to go or grow, continue to be what stopped me from STARTING or showing up, therefore keeping me in the same place, staying where I no longer desired to belong.

The quality of my actions and thoughts, determines my outcomes.

One action at a time. One thought at a time. One choice at a time. One DAY at a time.

"Outcomes are the things we DESIRE, but ACTION is what gets us there."

That makes is really SIMPLE, yet not EASY. Right?

If we want to change an outcome of ANY situation in our life, what I have learned we must do is...look to what we are DOING daily and be brutally and KINDLY honest with ourselves. The answers will always show up for you. Have the courage to make a game plan, set some small goals, expect and accept failure is a part of the process and ACT upon the actions and thoughts, that will lead you to who you want to be and where you want to go.

Don't screw yourself up with expectations of perfection and easily figuring it all out. The road to success, change and growth can be messy, uncomfortable, HARD, eye opening, painful. It is also- beautiful, liberating, joyous, confidence building.🌸💕🤘🏻

SHOWING UP for yourself, no matter, what is more important than how "perfect" your execution is. Showing up when its HARD, when it's challenging, when it would be easier not to and acting upon your unspoken commitments to yourself--- is when we see TRUE change and momentum.

All you need to succeed, is ALREADY within you. Unleash the power within. Get out of your own way.✌🏻