I’m a firm believer, that as a coach, part of my job is to encourage and believe in people until they find the courage to believe in and encourage themselves.
When that self belief kicks in, magic happens. It doesn’t mean that this journey doesn’t have it’s ups and downs or that life doesn’t happen, it means you always know how to find your way back to your true north and best self.
Today I have to celebrate the magic that’s happening for my girl Heather— this is her phase 1 progress! She’s gained so much more than what she’s lost. Speechless.
{Mind you— two years ago, Heather was a Beachbody Challenge winner of $1,000 for her 100 pound weight loss! But her story doesn’t end there...}
From her— “I started off this journey because I had fallen off the wagon. I no longer felt comfortable in my own skin, and I just kept watching my clothes get tighter and tighter.
I decided I was going to go all in when it came to the 80 day obsession. I get up at 5AM everyday and do exactly what the program requires me to do. I feel so amazing. I have lost 24 inches total, and I feel comfortable in my own skin again.
I no longer crave sweets or eat late at night while working or doing homework. I have put myself first which has helped every area of my life. I was so uncomfortable with who I was when I stopped putting my health first that I was becoming angry at work and not feeling like myself. Now I'm so much happier and it's positively affecting every area of my life. I am a better mom, friend, and worker. I feel good about me again!”
I’m speechless and SO proud of her.
Heather, I love you! Keep killing it mama! Your setting such an amazing example for your son.
Ready to stop watching and start working on your own success story? Let's chat! I promise to believe in you, until you learn how to believe in you too.